All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory - Access Mantra
Explore all services offered by PranaaH.
Call/Email us for booking your appointments, Thank you!
949 282 7702
Full body/Chakra Balancing at our office location.
Cost: $126
Full body healing/Chakra balancing.
Cost: $135
Reiki energy travels beyond time and space and healing is possible remotely.
Emotional healing session/reduce/long term issues..
Cost: $90
Your first step into Reiki healing journey. You will learn - Reiki history, self healing for self, others and pets. Receive attunements, Certification.
Duration: 6 Hours
Cost: $200
In this level you will be introduced to Reiki symbols and concept of distance healing.
You will receive
-Three Reiki Symbols.
- Attunement.
Cost: $250
Training to become a Reiki Master and your steps towards teaching others Reiki.
You will learn;
- Master symbols
- How to attune others.
You will receive,
- One Master Attunement.
- Certificate upon passing the exam
Duration: One day, 4 hours followed by a written test for 2 hours.
Cost: $300
Access Bars is a gentle treatment using light touch on the head that anyone can use.
There is no right or wrong way to receive Access Bars (The Bars®), and every session is different. The best way to find out what Access Bars will be like for you is to try it yourself!
Cost: $135
Every time you look in the mirror and judge your reflection, the cells remember and lock that judgment into your cells.
What if you could dissipate everything you’ve judged about your face?
Cost: $126
Booking/Cancellation/Rescheduling of appointments.
Request you to please give us 24 hours notice prior to booking, cancelling or rescheduling of appointments.
Thanks for your support.